Monday, May 25, 2009


So I'm finally back on here and posting pictures of the Nursery. We've had it painted and all the furniture up for a couple weeks now. The crib couldn't have been easier to put together, the hardest part was getting the boxes in the house. I think the only thing we need to get yet is a rocker and then more clothes for the baby.
Last Monday we went to a child and infant CPR class. It was interesting and much different from what I learned in 7th grade health class. Next Saturday is RibFest in town so we have that weekend off then the following two Saturdays we have baby classes. The first two sessions are labor classes and Shelly is really looking forward to those!

Shelly's been busy "nesting". She washed a load of baby clothes, then spent this morning sweeping and mopping the basement floor. She's been feeling good but has started to swell up a little if she has to long of a day or if she over does it. Other than that it's been a pretty smooth month and we're going back to the doctor this Friday.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Shelly's Belly Part 4!

It's been a busy month for us and we've been slacking on posting to the blog. The Stanley Cup Playoffs started so I've been glued to the TV watching the hockey games every night.

A couple weeks back Shelly was out of town so I painted the nursery, we're putting the finishing touches on it tonight. We'll post pictures of the finished paint job later this week or next. This past weekend we were up in the cities shopping for the nursery furniture. We found the crib and dresser/changing table but won't have it for another couple weeks. Then I get to experience the babies first present that has "some assembly required".

Shelly's last doctors appointment was last Tuesday. Everything checked out great. They still measure the heartbeat everytime Shelly goes in it was at 157 bpm. This time they had an intern "helping" and he didn't get off to a great start. He was trying to fing the heart beat and was having a tough time so Shelly started to get a little freaked out. Then the pro took over and found the heart beat right away. We've got one more monthly appointment then we start going every two weeks. The baby loves it when we lay down for the night. Last night we were sitting on opposite sides of the couch and I could still see the baby moving around! We'll be back on soon with pictures of the painted nursery.