Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hannah's Graduation

Congratulations Hannah!! You did it!!

Grandma Peterson, Hannah & Grandma Audus

Hannah & Jeremy (our new in town babysitters)
Guess where Cooper was during the party....................

enjoying a 2 hour nap

Dad, Aunt Patti, Uncle Bruce, Grandma Audus & Jason

Cooper finally woke up and joined the party. He was loving the trike.

Cooper was having fun showing off for everyone

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cooper 9 months old

Cooper turned 9 months old today. We have been busy the past month. Cooper has mastered crawling and has now moved onto pulling himself up on furniture. He finally cut through 2 teeth. His favorite word is Mama. It has been tough on Dad, every time he says Dada Cooper smiles at him.

We went to the doctor today for his check up he is 19 lbs and 27" long. He is one of the smaller babies on the growth chart in the 25th percentile. The doctor asked us if we have any concerns or questions, the only thing we both said is maybe that he sleeps too much. His response was I would keep that model. We cannot complain he has been sleeping through the night for the past few months.