Monday, January 25, 2010

Last Vikings Game

We were all smiles before the last Vikings game. Everyone was ready! Cooper was wearing his new Vikings outfit. It was an intense game every time Jason yelled at the game Cooper would start to cry. He was extra sensitive. It was a sad day at our house when the Vikings lost.
Oh well there is always next year.....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cooper's new trick

Jason and Cooper are hanging out watching the Vikings game. Cooper has learned how to hold his own bottle. He can even suck on his thumb while doing this!

Too funny not to share

These are the pictures that make wonderful choices for your senior graduation. Cooper got his first pair of boxers from his Great Grandma Audus for Christmas. Who knew they made them that small. Then you pair it with the new hat from Hannah and he looks like Uncle Eddie from Christmas Vacation. I am sure some day he will thank me for this photo

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cooper 5 months old

Cooper is 5 months old today there have been a lot of changes in the last month. He is really putting on the weight now. His cheeks are so round.

He has been eating solid foods for a few weeks. He loves sweet potatoes and he is not a big fan of the peas. I don't blame the little guy!

Jason and I are realizing our days are numbered where Cooper stays in one place. He rolls every direction when we put him on the floor. When he is doing tummy time he is starting to pull his legs up under him. It won't be long before he is crawling. We are starting to work on baby proofing the house

He still loves his tail book from Grandpa, he gets so excited when we show it to him

He was talking to Tiger

Tiger did not see this one coming!

Napping with Dad