Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bath Time

Cooper loves to take a bath, he was helping me fill up the tub tonight.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cooper, Nolan & Sloan

Jason was out of town for the Twins game so Cooper and I went over to visit Kari and Nolan for the night. The three babies are about the same age. They are all on the move now, it was fun trying to get them all to look at the camera.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cooper's 1st trip to the Zoo

Today was Cooper's first trip to the zoo. We had lunch in the park first with the Warnke's and Nelson's. Then we all went to the zoo. It was a beautiful day. Cooper wore his sunglasses, they crack me up.

First stop the bears

All the boys checking out the cows

All Cooper wanted to do was take a nap

Dad's favorite, the swans

Mom's favorite

It was a big day, we all needed a nap when we got home.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fun weekend at home

We were all enjoying the beautiful day out on the patio

The Warnke family came to visit this weekend

The twins Jackson and Addison were playing with Cooper. Addison was talking up a storm on the phone.

Kari and Nolan came too. Nolan brought his own remote control. Cooper was upset when he tried to take it back. I am not sure where these little fits are coming from.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Look who is on the move.....

If you cannot tell I was a little camera happy tonight. But I wanted to share with everyone Cooper's new moves. It has been a big week for him.

My favorite sound

My favorite sound is to hear Cooper laugh. Once we get home from work we only have a half hour to an hour to see him before he goes to bed. I can always make him laugh when we are putting on his pajamas. Usually when we turn on the camera he stops everything he is doing. But tonight I was able to catch him laughing on video. Enjoy!

Cooper 8 months old

Cooper turned 8 months old and celebrated his first Easter this past weekend. The Easter Bunny found him in Mankato. I tried to get a picture of him sitting with the bunny but I found it impossible to do. Cooper is now on the move!! Jason worked on installing a baby gate last night and our goal for the weekend is to finish baby proofing. Oh how our lives have changed in the past week. He was scooting backwards last week and this week he is moving forward.

Playing with his new toy, he gets so excited that he shakes

Still ignoring Mom

Finally, but no smile he was to busy