Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Weekend

Cooper & Laura checking out the fish

saying bye bye to the monkeys

they are so cute, together they are a busy pair

flirting with the lady at the next table

looking for the moose

Thanks Bauer Family for joining us at the zoo!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wearing his hat like Dad

Thanks Grandpa for my new stool!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So I have fallen a little behind on updating our blog. We have been really busy with all the of changes in the past few months. We moved to Plymouth Minnesota in April, I started a new job and Cooper started a new daycare. It has been a busy few months. We are all enjoying the changes. Cooper is loving his new daycare. He has changed so much in the last month. He is talking none stop, everyday he learns something new and copies everything we do.

You would think without cable we would have lots of time to update the blog. Sorry it hasn't been the case. We are enjoying all of the parks and spending as much time outside as we can. We found Dexter a new dog park that he absolutely loves. He collapses when we get home.

Last week in our house in Sioux Falls

Dexter was depressed with all the packed boxes. He spent a few weeks with Cheryl while we made the transition. Thank you!!

Still the first thing we do when we walk in the door at night

The second best toy purchase we made

Since the move Cooper stays up a little later, he starts asking to go night night around 7:30 now. It is great to spend a little more time with him.

He loves to give hugs, even Dexter.

I promise now that we are semi settled I will keep this up to date. Jason and I are starting to look for a new home this weekend. We are looking forward to having a home again. We will keep you posted on our search

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Twins Game

Grandpa & Molly

We all went to the Twins game, it was a perfect day to be outside. Cooper did really well through the game. He was flirting with the girl next to us and cheering for the wrong team at times. The Twins lost, but it was fun to see the new stadium.`

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

This was my present from Cooper from daycare. It says "If I had to pick a flower I would pick you". He wasn't happy to have his picture taken that day.

the second part of my present

It was a great second Mother's Day. We had brunch with the Sutherland's at Jake's and then we we went to the Aboretum. The flowers were just starting to bloom. It was beautiful for the few minutes we walked around. It starting pouring so it cut our trip short. Oh well there is always next year. So we spent the rest of the afternoon napping and watching movies.