Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snow Storm

Our snow covered home

Dexter loves the snow!

We were finally able to get out of our house today. The neighbor was so kind to plow out our driveway and the city cleared our street. You know we have cabin fever when Jason agrees to go to Wal-Mart just to get out of the house. We are not sure what the final count is, but we have around 18" of snow and it is still coming down. Dexter was out playing in the snow while Jason was clearing the sidewalks. Cooper and I watched from his bedroom window.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Cooper's 1st Christmas

Cooper loved the bows

Cooper had cereal & carrots for dinner

getting ready to carve the turkey.....

Cooper was hanging out while we ate dinner

Dexter snoring under the table

Turkey Hangover
We just celebrated our first Christmas with Cooper, the weather kept us home for the holiday. We had about 10" of snow when we woke up and it kept on coming down all day. We missed our family but it was also nice to be at home. We had turkey and all of the traditional Christmas sides for dinner. We spent the rest of the day watching movies and napping. We went and visited the neighbors and delivered cookies. We walked through drifts up to our waist to make it out the front door.
We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cooper's 4 month checkup

Cooper had is four month checkup today. He is 13 lbs. 10 oz. and 25" long. He is in the 40% for weight, 70% for length and 90% for head circumference. He is starting to work on some teeth. He is always chewing on his hands. He is starting to put on some weight, you can really see it in his cheeks this week.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cooper 4 months old

November was a long month for us, as you can see from the last three pictures we had many sleepless nights. Cooper got his first cold and then it turned into a sinus and ear infection. We went into the doctor over Thanksgiving and he weighs 13 lbs. 1 oz. On top of it all Jason and I both got sick. It is going o be a long winter for us

Cooper loves to look up at me and smile then he snuggles his head into me.

Grandpa gave him a new book that he absolutely loves. I think his eyes might pop out!

Likes: Mommy, Daddy, kicking, standing, bouncy chair, books, mobile, Christmas tree