Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 37

Last Wednesday was the 37 week appointment. The doctor was a little late showing up for the appointment because she was in delivering a baby. She was a little frazzled and trying to get her day back on track. Everything with Shelly and the baby checked out great again. Shelly's 2 cm dialated and the cervix was 70% thinned out. Baby rogers was resting while we were there and the heart rate was down to 131. That was it for the excitement of the week 37 appointment.

Now on to today's excitement. Kari and Aaron had their first baby this morning at 3:30 a.m. Shelly and I got to meet Nolan Aaron tonight. He's a healthy little boy weighing in at a little over 8 pounds. It was exciting and a little scary realizing that it will be us in one of those rooms very soon! It may be sooner than we're expecting. Shelly hasn't been feeling well today and wasn't feeling as much movement from the baby so we were advised to have her get checked out, which was convenient since we were already at the hospital. Our nerves were eased when everything checked out good. They hooked two monitors around Shelly's belly. One measured the baby's heart rate and one measured to see if Shelly was having contractions. The baby's heart rate ranged from 133 -172, and to Shelly's surprise the other monitor was picking up "tightening" in her stomach about every 3 minutes. The nurse didn't call them contractions and didn't seem too worried about it. They did check the cervix again and it's 90-100% thinned so it really could be any day now. They were prepared to keep us there for a few hours to monitor everything but the doctor on call let us go home. So tonight was an exciting one! We'll be back at the regular weekly doctors appointment on Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Sounds like Shelly is ready to go! Good luck Mom and Dad 2B!
