Monday, February 16, 2009

Shelly's Belly!

Shelly may be a bit embarrased but we're going to be taking monthly photo's of Shelly's expanding belly! It will be a neat way for us to see just how much things are actually changing and a good way for all of you that don't see us very often to see how things are going. To be fair we could be taking pictures of me to see if I'm gaining any "sympathy" weight but nobody is interested in me right now!


  1. This is a great idea! I did it every 4 weeks and I'm so glad I did. Some people don't like to look back at their pregnant bodies, but I think it's a great way to show your kids someday what was going on outside while they were cooking inside! Kudos to you... they will love you for it! And Jason, I think taking photos of you is a great idea too!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Woops. Let's try this again...
    It would only be fair to see Daddy pics as well. Well Done on the first picture!

  4. Love "Shelly's Belly".... and I too think there should be "Daddy's Belly" as well!

