Monday, June 8, 2009

Shelly's Belly Part 5!

Here's the fifth installment of Shelly's Belly! Her belly button has been stressing lately, threatening to pop out with any sudden movement. Every sneeze is an adventure.

Shelly's last doctors appointment was a couple weeks ago. Everything continues to check out good. The baby's heart beat was down to 146 bpm. At this appointment she had to do a glucose screening to test for gestational diabetes and have a RhoGam shot because of her blood type. She "passed" the glucose screening with no problems. Now that we're down to just two months before the baby is born Shelly has to go to the doctor every two weeks then in the last month every week.

Saturday was our first labor preparation class. We'll have another this Saturday with a newborn baby care class right after that. We did have to watch a semi-nasty video of a baby being born. They taught us a little about the labor process, when we need to go to the doctor, how to time the contractions. The mother in the video was the calmest lady I've ever seen. I don't think she screemed or grunted or made any noise throughout the entire delivery. At next weeks class we get to tour the hospital which should be interesting.

We're down to 54 days left! We have to count them manually now. The countdown clock on the blog kept defaulting to New Years Eve so we removed it.


  1. The videos seemed to be nastier than it actually was in person. If you can get past these videos, clear sailing, mee boy!

  2. After 2 kiddos, I still can't even watch those videos. I think they are horrifying!! Luckily, when it is your own, you dont really care. Good luck! And I can't wait to hear about your little ones arrival!
