Monday, June 15, 2009

Week 31 appointment

We had another doctors appointment last Wednesday. Everything keeps checking out the way it's suppose to. The baby's heart beat went back up to 156 bpm and Shelly's belly is up to 30 inches! The baby had an extremely active weekend kicking Shelly in the ribs and punching her bladder. She's still getting swollen feet after long days at work or trying to do to much around the house. She's loving her sexy new compression socks, they're nice and cool for the summer! She'll go back to the doctor again next Wednesday. She'll be 33 weeks along and just 7 weeks until the baby arrives.

We had our second baby class last Saturday. They went through all sorts of different labor positions that we can try ans see what works best for Shelly. Then they took us on a tour of the hospital and showed us where they'll take us when we get to the hospital, then the type of room we'll be transferred to after we're checked in and they've done a few check ups on Shelly and the baby. After the initial check in we'll be moved to a labor and delivery room. The best thing about these rooms was the lights they had pointing down at the bed. They had a little "remote" with a light at the end of it. The nurse will click it and the lights adjust themselves and point at the remote! No need for Shelly to be in the exact right spot on the table, the lights will adjust themselves. After the baby is delivered we'll stay in that room for a couple hours then be transferred to another room where we'll stay until they send us home. I think they said we'll only be there for 24 hours before they send us home to fend for ourselves!


  1. All the men were just as impressed as Jason was with the lights in the delivery room. I think it might have been the highlight of the tour for all of them. I think it will be the last thing on my mind. What do you think ladies?


  2. Shelly, which hospital, I want to see the lights? Waiting patiently for the new grandbaby.

    Love Dad

  3. Wow you two! Time has flown by and you are almost ready to have the baby! I can't wait. You look great Shelly and love the baby room!
