Monday, July 13, 2009

Time is Flying!

It's been a long time since I've had a chance to update the blog. I'll try and remember back to our previous doctors appointments. I believe we've had 3 since the last post. All has been well. The week 33 doctors appointment was a simple checkup. The heart beat was back down in the 140's and everything else checked out good with Shelly. That was our last bi-weekly appointment and now we go every week until the baby is born.

Last weeks appointment they checked to see if Shelly is dialated and she is already dialated to 1.5 cm. They'll check this every week now until that baby is here. The only other thing they did was check the heart beat measure Shelly's Belly and check her blood pressure. The heart beat is in the low 150's. Shelly's Belly is measuring at 33 inches. The doctor also had a little fun with us before the appointment was over. She performed a very un-scientific test to tell the sex of the baby. She has a string with nail attached to one end of it. Once she settles the string if it rotates in a circle the baby is a girl and if it just swings back and forth it's a boy. She say's it's been fairly accurate for her so we'll have to wait and see if it works. I suppose you all want to know what the string did? We'll be posting a little poll to see what everyone's opinion is, then maybe we'll give up the inside information!

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